About: Jungle Istanbul Description Previous
Sobre: Selva d’Istanbul Descripció Anterior
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It’s a mountainous and jungle district.
Es tracta d’un districte muntanyós i selvàtic.
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A jungle library to protect nature
Una biblioteca selvàtica per protegir la natura
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So people moved to the jungle.
I la gent es va traslladar a la selva.
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Make your way through the jungle!
Obre’t camí per la jungla!
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They lived in the subtropical jungle.
Vivien en la selva subtropical.
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Flemish Masters in an urban jungle
Mestres Flamencs en una jungla urbana
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Tarzan, the king of the jungle.
Tarzan, el rei de la selva.
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Centuries later it was covered by jungle.
Segles després va quedar cobert per la jungla.
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The children then disappeared into the jungle.
Llavors, els nens van desaparèixer a la selva.
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