They have to be forced to learn Latvian as we had to learn Russian;
Se’ls ha d’obligar a aprendre el letó com se’ns va obligar a aprendre el rus;
Font: MaCoCu
Besides the taking up arms, merely to enforce the repeal of a pecuniary law, seems as unwarrantable by the divine law, and as repugnant to human feelings, as the taking up arms to enforce obedience thereto.
A més a més, agafar les armes simplement per obligar a derogar una llei pecuniària sembla injustificable per la llei divina i tan repugnant als sentiments humans com agafar les armes per a forçar-ne l’obediència.
Font: riurau-editors
Could citizens be forced to get vaccinated?
Es podria obligar la ciutadania a vacunar-se?
Font: MaCoCu
Just like a woman cannot be forced to undergo an abortion, she cannot be forced to become a mother against her will.
De la mateixa forma que no es pot obligar a avortar a una dona, tampoc se la pot obligar a ser mare.
Font: MaCoCu
These setbacks forced him to return to military service.
Aquests contratemps el van obligar a tornar al servei militar.
Font: Covost2
This forced many of the residents to flee the city.
Això va obligar molts residents a fugir de la ciutat.
Font: Covost2
Besides, the organization can require a participant to abandon, or make him/her stop, if they consider that he/she is in a physical condition of risk.
A banda, l’organització pot obligar a abandonar un participant, o obligar-lo a fer una parada, si considera que es troba en una situació física de risc.
Font: MaCoCu
They invested the city, and forced it to surrender.
Van invertir la ciutat i la van obligar a rendir-se.
Font: Covost2
The persistent knee problem forced him into retirement.
El problema persistent al genoll el va obligar a retirar-se.
Font: Covost2
They made the boy continue digging, but he found nothing.
Van obligar el noi a continuar excavant, però no va trobar res.
Font: Covost2
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