I call it the Dark Playground.
Jo l’anomeno el Pati Obscur.
Font: TedTalks
Colour: dark brown almost black.
Color: marró obscur quasi negre.
Font: MaCoCu
It has an all dark, slim bill, and darker head and upperparts than Cory’s.
Té un bec prim i completament obscur i un cap més obscur que la baldriga atlàntica.
Font: Covost2
The text is often unnecessarily obscure.
El text sovint és innecessàriament obscur.
Font: Covost2
The color is yellowish or reddish dark.
El color és groguenc o vermellós obscur.
Font: Covost2
It has a dark grey bill.
Té un pic de color gris obscur.
Font: Covost2
The moment also presents a dark side.
El moment també presenta un costat obscur.
Font: Covost2
Obviously, there’s always the dark side of it.
És clar, sempre hi ha un cantó obscur.
Font: TedTalks
"Los Angeles Times" called it "deep, dark and funny".
“Los Angeles Times” el van descriure com “profund, obscur i divertit”.
Font: Covost2
Adorno the Obscure had faith in art as the ultimate depository of negativity.
Adorno l’Obscur confiava en l’art com a últim dipositari de la negativitat.
Font: MaCoCu
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