Francesc was busy with administrative tasks.
Francesc s’ocupà de feines administratives.
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Each artist occupies a column.
Cada artista ocupa una columna.
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He holds the position of right-back.
Ocupa la posició de lateral dret.
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He held the position of Intendant of Montevideo.
Ocupà el càrrec d’Intendent de Montevideo.
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The crimson triangle occupies the front.
El triangle carmesí ocupa el front.
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The person occupying the location.
La persona que ocupa el lloc.
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Now he is on his second mandate.
Actualment, ocupa el seu segon mandat.
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Caroline takes her place on the bed.
Carolina ocupa el seu lloc al llit.
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A flat pack takes less luggage space.
Un paquet pla ocupa menys espai d’equipatge.
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It occupies and is operated by a leaseholder.
S’ocupa i és operat per un arrendatari.
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