Several methods of determining guilt or innocence were outlawed including trial by ordeal and trial by combat.
Hi havia múltiples mètodes per a determinar la culpabilitat o la innocència incloent judici per ordalia i el judici per combat.
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The ordeal or judgment of God was a method of administering justice (that is to say) ty of medieval Europe, according to which it was the accused who had to prove his innocence before an accusation.
L’ordalia o judici de Déu era un mètode d’administrar justícia (és un dir), propi de l’Europa medieval, segons el qual era l’acusat qui havia de demostrar la seva innocència davant d’una acusació.
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In those cases where the reputation of the defendant was bad and the accusation carried the death penalty, the ordeal or judgment of God could be used to determine if he was telling the truth.
En aquells casos en què la reputació de l’acusat era dolenta i l’acusació comportava la pena capital, es podia recórrer a l’ordalia o el judici de Déu per determinar si deia la veritat.
Font: AINA
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