‘Too proud?’ the other inquired.
—És orgullós?—, va preguntar l’altre.
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He was reportedly very proud of the awards.
Estava molt orgullós dels premis.
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Very proud to have the honour!
Molt orgullós de tenir l’honor!
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Proud to be New Jersey!
Orgullós de ser Nova Jersey!
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He was proud of himself.
Estava orgullós de si mateix.
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"I am proud of you," he said.
«Estic orgullós de tu», va dir.
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Besides, I wasn’t proud of him.
A més, no estava orgullós d’ell.
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The specific epithet means "proud" in Latin.
L’epítet concret significa "orgullós" en llatí.
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"I’m very proud of that," she said.
"Estic molt orgullós d’això", va dir.
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I don’t deny it; in fact, I am proud of it.
No ho nego; de fet, n’estic orgullós.
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