This bread is made with rye flour.
Aquest pa s’elabora amb farina de ségol.
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Rye bread is a type of bread made with various proportions of flour from rye grain.
Pa de sègol o pa negre és un tipus de pa fet amb farina provinent del sègol en diferents proporcions.
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The most widespread crop is rye.
El cultiu més estès és el del sègol.
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There’s the harvest of wheat, rye, barley, meslin, grape and oil.
S’hi cull blat, sègol, ordi, mestall, vi i oli.
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A simple, all-rye bread can be made using a sourdough starter and rye meal; it will not rise as high as wheat bread but will be moister with a substantially longer shelf life.
Un senzill pa de sègol, fet completament de sègol, es pot fer utilitzant una pasta mare fermentada d’arrencada i farina de sègol; no pujarà la massa tant com la de pa de blat, però estarà tou molt més temps.
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The harvesting of rye is similar to that of wheat.
La collita del sègol és semblant a la del blat.
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Wheat, rye, barley, a lot of nuts, and winter fruits were produced there.
S’hi produïa blat, sègol, ordi, moltes nous i fruites d’hivern.
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In the dry land, wheat, barley, vine and rye are cultivated.
En el secà, s’hi conrea blat, ordi, vinya i sègol.
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Wheat, rye, potatoes, vegetables, hay and other fruits were grown there.
S’hi produïa blat, sègol, patates, hortalisses, fenc i altres fruits.
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Wheat, rye, barley, potatoes, hay, nuts and other fruits were harvested.
S’hi collia blat, sègol, ordi, patates, fenc, nous i altres fruites.
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