At this point, he was no longer manic, but he became depressed again.
Arribats a aquest punt, ja no era maníac, però es va deprimir un altre cop.
Font: Covost2
He began to think he would never play hockey again and became depressed.
Va començar a pensar que mai més tornaria a jugar a hoquei i es va deprimir.
Font: Covost2
After the Franco-Prussian War, Otto became very depressed and anxious, which worried his family.
Després de la guerra francoprussiana, Otto es va deprimir i tenia ansietat, cosa què preocupava la seva família.
Font: Covost2
But, lest we become depressed, let us examine how far we have come.
Però per a no deprimir-nos, examinem fins a on hem arribat.
Font: Europarl
That being said, you can have all the doom and gloom, but what’s amazing is that there are so many amazing, exciting initiatives already happening.
Pots deprimir-te i quedar-te amb els braços plegats, però el que és fantàstic és que hi ha un munt d’iniciatives genials i prometedores que ja estan en marxa.
Font: MaCoCu
And here’s the bad: Like other news sites, we’re often guilty of focusing on negatives and perhaps even of depressing you.
I ací ve la dolenta: igual que altres pàgines web, sovint som culpables de centrar-nos en les històries negatives i, tal volta, fins i tot som culpables de deprimir-vos.
Font: globalvoices
And I got really depressed.
I em vaig deprimir molt.
Font: AINA
That made me so depressed ..
Això em va deprimir molt.
Font: AINA
And the day before it was due, he sent his PowerPoint presentation to his boss, and his boss wrote him back and said, "Nice presentation, but the merger is canceled." And the guy was deeply depressed.
I el dia abans de la presentació va enviar el PowerPoint al seu cap, i el cap li va contestar: "Bona presentació, però la fusió s’ha cancel·lat." I el noi es va deprimir molt.
Font: TedTalks
These phenomena have been present for many years now and, by applying upward pressure to savings while depressing the propensity to invest, they caused interest rates that balance the supply and demand of savings to gradually decline.
Aquests fenòmens ja fa anys que operen i, en pressionar a l’alça l’estalvi i deprimir la propensió a invertir, han fet que els tipus d’interès que equilibren l’oferta i la demanda d’estalvi hagin anat baixant.
Font: MaCoCu
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