The consequent diametrically opposes the antecedent.
El consegüent s’oposa diametralment a l’antecedent.
Font: Covost2
But of diametrically opposed viewpoints.
Però de punts de vista diametralment oposats.
Font: MaCoCu
Her vision presented the moon in its full splendour, crossed diametrically by a dark stripe.
Veia la lluna en tota la seva esplendor, travessada diametralment per una franja fosca.
Font: wikimedia
America has passed through a development of a diametrically opposite character. She has meanwhile enriched herself at a dizzy pace.
El desenvolupament d’Amèrica ha seguit una direcció diametralment oposada, perquè s’ha enriquit enormement en aquest temps.
Font: MaCoCu
At first sight the conduct of the French and English sections of the Communist International appeared to be diametrically opposite.
A primera vista l’actitud de les seccions francesa i anglesa de la Internacional Comunista semblava diametralment oposada.
Font: MaCoCu
In its very foundation it is diametrically opposed to the parties of bourgeois horse-traders and petty-bourgeois rag patchers.
És diametralment oposat, des de les seues mateixes bases, als partits de mercaders burgesos i drapers petitburgesos.
Font: MaCoCu
Though he was diametrically opposed to Wagner during his lifetime, it is incorrect to characterize Brahms as a reactionary.
Sovint se l’ha oposat diametralment a Wagner, però no se’l pot qualificar en absolut de compositor reaccionari.
Font: MaCoCu
These strategies for survival are completely different from what is known from other bacterial groups in the ocean.
Aquestes estratègies de supervivència són diametralment diferents del que es coneix per altres grups de bacteris en l’oceà.
Font: MaCoCu
It would be at odds with the impartial international rule of law.
Això s’oposa diametralment a l’imparcial ordre jurídic internacional.
Font: Europarl
However, this strategy takes a diametrically opposite approach.
No obstant això, aquesta estratègia adopta un plantejament diametralment oposat.
Font: Europarl
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