After the Sena dynasty, the Deva dynasty ruled in eastern Bengal.
Després de la dinastia Sena va seguir la dinastia Deva governant a Bengala Oriental.
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The Thirtieth Dynasty took their art style from the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty.
La trigèsima dinastia va prendre el seu estil d’art de la vint-i-sisena dinastia.
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It is not known how this dynasty ended.
El final d’aquesta dinastia és desconegut.
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Before and during the Nguyen Dynasty
Abans i durant la dinastia Nguyen
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All are offshoots of the original dynasty.
Tots són descendents de la dinastia original.
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He was an opponent of the Manchu dynasty.
Fou un opositor a la dinastia manxú.
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He accepted the Stuart dynasty as legitimate.
Va acceptar la dinastia Stuart com a legítima.
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She belonged to the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty.
Pertanyia a la dinastia d’origen grec dels Ptolemeus.
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The capital of the dynasty was probably Avaris.
La capital de la dinastia era probablement Avaris.
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The chair incorporated designs from the Ming dynasty.
La cadira incorporava dissenys de la dinastia Ming.
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