He started his research in the dysentery investigation.
Inicià la seva recerca en la investigació de la disenteria.
Font: Covost2
Finally, an epidemic of dysentery forced them to leave, taking their wealth with them.
Finalment, una epidèmia de disenteria va obligar que partissin amb les seves riqueses.
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Raglan died later that month from a mixture of dysentery and clinical depression.
Raglan va morir a finals d’aquell mes d’una barreja de disenteria i depressió clínica.
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Bacillary dysentery should not be confused with diarrhea caused by other bacterial infections.
La disenteria bacil·lar no s’ha de confondre amb la diarrea causada per altres infeccions bacterianes.
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Give me your dysentery look.
Fes cara de tenir disenteria.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Most of the British who died in the Crimean war died from dysentery and not from Russian attacks.
La major part dels britànics que van morir en la guerra de Crimea van morir per disenteria i no per atacs russos.
Font: MaCoCu
I’ve also got no metronidazole, and this child has got amebic dysentery!
Tampoc no tinc metronidazole i aquest nen té disenteria amèbica.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
Bacillary dysentery is a type of dysentery, and is a severe form of shigellosis.
La disenteria bacil·lar és un tipus de disenteria, i és una forma greu de shigel·losi.
Font: wikimatrix
I thought I had dysentery.
Vaig pensar que tenia disenteria.
Font: NLLB
Maybe in the Kingdom of Dysentery.
Potser al Regne de la Disenteria.
Font: AINA
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