Diccionari anglès-català: «dur»


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Resultats de la cerca per a «dur»

dur dura, duta, duita  adj 

  1. harsh
(aigua) dur 
  1. chalky

dur dura  adj 

  1. fibrous | sinewy | stringy | unchewable
  2. sturdy
  3. [figurative] uncharitable
  4. dour | forbidding
  5. arduous | backbreaking | grueling | gruelling | hard | heavy | laborious | operose | punishing | toilsome
  6. [figurative] thick-skinned
  7. heavy-handed

dur v tr 

  1. to lead | to guide | to direct | to take
  2. to wear | to have on | to sport
  3. to accept | to take
  4. to bring | to convey | to take
  5. to convey | to fetch | to get | to bring
  6. to bring | to land
  7. to carry | to transport
  8. to carry | to pack | to take
  9. to bear | to carry | to contain | to hold | to house
  1. to carry

nucli dur m 

  1. core group | core | nucleus

dur a cap v tr 

  1. [US] to practice | [UK] to practise | to exercise | to do

dur a terme v tr 

  1. [US] to practice | [UK] to practise | to exercise | to do
  2. [UK] to fulfil | to accomplish | to action | to carry out | to carry through | to conduct | to effect | to execute | to fulfill | to make
  3. to do | to cause to be done | to perform | to execute
  4. to effect | to implement
  5. to go through (with something) v intr | to carry out | to follow out | to follow through | to follow up | to implement

dur de pelar dura de pelar  adj 

  1. hard-fought

dur a pasturar v tr 

  1. to graze
Exemples d’ús (fonts externes)
I love hard work; I enjoy hard work. M’encanta el treball dur; M’agrada el treball dur.
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I shall conclude these remarks, with the following timely and well intended hints, We ought to reflect, that there are three different ways by which an independency may hereafter be effected. Conclouré aquestes remarques amb els següents consells oportuns i benintencionats. He de ponderar que hi ha tres camins diferents pels quals es pot dur a terme la independència d’ara en avant.
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That was a rough ride. Va ser un viatge dur.
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But it’s a little bit hard. Però és una mica dur.
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The hard drive is being defragmented. El disc dur s’està desfragmentant.
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But the provision is unequal to the task; the means either cannot or will not accomplish the end, and the whole affair is a felo de se. Però l’estipulació no està a l’altura de la tasca que ha de dur a terme; els mitjans o bé no poden acomplir o bé no acompliran el fi, i tot l’afer és un suïcidi.
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This can lead to wrong conclusions. Això pot dur a conclusions equivocades.
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The climate is harsh due to the altitude. El clima és dur per l’altura.
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They were required to keep the tag with them always. Se’ls obligava a dur sempre l’etiqueta.
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Extensive deposits of hard coal are present. Extensos dipòsits de carbó dur estan presents.
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Índex de paraules en anglès que comencen per:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Índex de paraules en català que comencen per:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Diccionari anglès-català de Softcatalà – Presentació i crèdits – Publicat amb llicència Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0