The thing seemed too incredible.
La cosa semblava massa increïble.
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Basically, it’s a hell of a plant.
Bàsicament, és una planta increïble.
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And the density is quite incredible.
I la densitat és increïble.
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And that is really amazing.
I això és realment increïble.
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But we create an incredible contradiction.
Però creem una contradicció increïble.
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It was an amazing time.
Va ser una època increïble.
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So he had this incredible curiosity.
Així que tenia una curiositat increïble.
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It is incredible how little we know.
És increïble el poc que sabem.
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Dear artists Wow, what an amazing call for art this year.
Caram, quina increïble convocatòria d’art, enguany!
Font: MaCoCu
Amazing that it’s so simple, isn’t it?
Increïble que sigui tan senzill, no?
Font: MaCoCu
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