It is an insectivorous animal that forms small colonies.
Es tracta d’un animal insectívor que forma petites colònies.
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It was nimble and insectivorous, although it may have scavenged meat also.
Era àgil i insectívor, encara que també cercava carn per menjar-se-la.
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The main characteristic of this small insectivorous (11-14 cm without the tail) is the snout, which can be enlarged like a portable trunk. It has no hair and the nostrils can be found at the end tip of the snout.
El tret més característic d’aquest petit insectívor (11-14 cm sense la cua) és el musell que s’allarga en una mena de trompa mòbil, desproveïda de pèl, a l’extrem de la qual s’obren els orificis nasals.
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It is predominantly insectivorous but also carnivorous.
És un animal principalment insectívor, però també carnívor.
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It is insectivorous and usually hunts its prey on the fly.
És insectívor i sol caçar les preses al vol.
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The insectivorous clock feeds on flies to function.
El rellotge insectívor es nodreix de mosques per funcionar.
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As are many armadillos, it is an insectivore, feeding almost entirely on ants and termites.
Com molts armadillos, és insectívor, alimentant-se de formigues i tèrmits.
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It is insectivorous, feeding mainly on diptera that it catches in flight.
És insectívor, alimentant-se principalment de dípters que atrapa al vol.
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Its beak is typical of an insectivourous bird: long, slim and slightly curved.
El seu bec és típic d’un insectívor: llarg, fi i una mica corb.
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It had large eyes and a large number of small, pointed teeth, indicating it was an active insectivorous hunter.
Tenia els ulls grossos i moltes dents punxegudes, caràcters que indiquen que era un insectívor actiu.
Font: wikimatrix
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