The dog wagged its tail.
El gos va remenar la cua.
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I’m so tired, I can’t stir!
Estic tan cansada que no puc remenar!
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He stirred the Christmas pudding thoroughly.
Va remenar bé el pastís de Nadal.
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An ideal place to choose and shuffle.
Un lloc ideal per triar i remenar.
Font: MaCoCu
He then stirred the fire and left me.
Llavors va remenar el foc i va marxar.
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Add the beaten eggs, slowly, and don’t stop stirring.
Afegiu-hi els ous batuts, de mica en mica, sense deixar de remenar.
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Creativity requires acting autonomously, taking initiatives, stirring up possibilities and diverse solutions.
La creativitat exigix actuar amb autonomia, prendre iniciatives, remenar possibilitats i solucions diverses.
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He would open his briefcase and, like an alchemist, would begin to fiddle with potions and test tubes.
Desplegava el seu maletí i, com un alquimista, començava a remenar pocions i provetes.
Font: MaCoCu
In Girona we have a few where you can stroll around, choose, shuffle and enjoy the atmosphere.
A Girona en tenim uns quants on passejar, triar, remenar i gaudir del seu ambient.
Font: MaCoCu
Playmobil lovers will be able to choose and remove among the products that the vendors will bring.
Els amants del Playmobil podran triar i remenar entre els productes que portaran els venedors.
Font: MaCoCu
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