The process can repeat itself indefinitely.
El procés pot repetir indefinidament.
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They repeated the experiment with rats.
Van repetir l’experiment amb rates.
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We hope to repeat this experience soon!!
Esperam repetir aquesta experiència aviat!!
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"I don’t want that," she repeated.
«No vull això», va repetir ella.
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This example can be repeated indefinitely.
Aquest exemple es pot repetir indefinidament.
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It was repeated on just two occasions.
Només es va repetir dos cops.
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‘No, I’ll not promise,’ I repeated.
“No, no ho prometo”, vaig repetir.
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The boy repeated his question.
El noi va repetir la pregunta.
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You will want to repeat and taste new flavours.
Voldràs repetir i descobrir nous sabors.
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Better that we can repeat and come back.
Millor que puguem repetir i tornar.
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