The rhythm mirrors the rhythm of the surf.
El ritme reflecteix el ritme del surf.
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A normal heart rhythm is called a normal sinus rhythm.
El ritme normal del cor s’anomena ritme sinusal.
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The rhythm is greatly influenced by the rhythm and meter of the Persian poetry.
El ritme està molt influenciat pel ritme i la mètrica de la poesia persa.
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The rhythm of swing is hooking.
El ritme del swing enganxa.
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The rhythm is clearly trochaic.
El ritme és clarament trocaic.
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The rhythm is unmistakably familiar.
El ritme és inconfusiblement familiar.
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They have a daytime rhythm of activity.
Tenen un ritme d’activitat diürn.
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It was a fast pace.
Va ser un ritme ràpid.
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Show off your inner groove.
Presumeix del teu ritme interior.
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The heart rate also accelerates.
També s’accelera el ritme cardíac.
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