This is a symphony of colors, a true symphony.
Açò és una simfonia de colors, una verdadera simfonia.
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The symphony is in three movements:
La simfonia conté tres moviments:
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Symphony of the Air – Leopold Stokowski.
Simfonia de l’aire: Leopold Stokowski.
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A symphony of hammers to the body.
Una simfonia de martells al cos.
Font: MaCoCu
The symphony is in three slow movements.
La simfonia té tres moviments lents.
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Symphony No. 7 is the name given to a four-movement symphony in E major (D 729) drafted by Franz Schubert in August 1821.
La Simfonia núm. 7, D 729, en mi major, és una simfonia de Franz Schubert composta l’agost de 1821.
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4th Symphony (chamber version) of G. Mahler
Quarta simfonia (versió de cambra), G. Mahler
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Symphony no. 3, also known as the Wagner Symphony, underwent multiple revisions until reaching its final form.
La Simfonia n. 3, coneguda també com a Simfonia Wagner, va patir múltiples revisions fins a assolir la seva forma definitiva.
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It is popularly known as the Miracle Symphony.
És coneguda popularment com la simfonia del miracle.
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Rachmaninov 2 & Brahms 4th Symphony
Rakhmàninov 2 i la 4a Simfonia de Brahms
Font: MaCoCu
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