He was a socialist activist, journalist and trade unionist.
Ell era periodista, sindicalista i activista socialista.
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This young man was a joiner, trade unionist, freethinker and anarchist.
Aquest jove era ebenista, sindicalista, lliurepensador i anarquista.
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The death of one trade unionist in Russia is reported.
S’informa de la mort d’un sindicalista a Rússia.
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She has worked as a journalist, trade unionist and Auckland city councilor.
Ha treballat com a periodista, sindicalista i regidora a Auckland.
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Inspired by César Chávez: Mexican-American Union Leader and Civil Rights Activist
Inspirat en César Chávez: Líder sindicalista mexicà-nord-americà i activista de drets civils
Font: MaCoCu
A Bolshevik strives to become not only the best trade unionist but also the best soldier.
Un bolxevic tracta no sols de convertir-se en el millor sindicalista sinó també en el millor soldat.
Font: MaCoCu
There is little room for the trade union movement.
El moviment sindicalista té poc marge d’acció.
Font: Europarl
I have been a trade unionist all my life.
He estat sindicalista tota la meva vida.
Font: Europarl
The trade unionist has specified that "during the day theoretical and practical aspects will be discussed", abounding in "body positions, tactical steps, control, openings and insertions".
El sindicalista ha precisat que "durant la jornada es tractaran aspectes teòrics i pràctics", abundant en "posicions corporals, passos tàctics, control, obertures i insercions".
Font: MaCoCu
Pérez abounded in his professional career in the world of education and valued his beginnings "from a trade unionist side claiming training for workers."
Va abundar Pérez en la seua trajectòria professional en el món de l’educació i va valorar els seus inicis "des d’un vessant sindicalista reivindicant la formació per als treballadors".
Font: MaCoCu
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