The Line card consists of the physical interface card and a modular services card.
La targeta de línia consisteix en la targeta d’interfície física i la targeta de serveis modular.
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Credit card vs. debit card at the ATM
Targeta de crèdit vs. targeta de dèbit al caixer
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Credit or debit card Payment of the total amount () by card.
Targeta de crèdit o dèbit Pagament de l’import total () mitjançant targeta.
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My preferred payment card You will see that your card has been marked "Preferred card", but what does that mean?
La meva targeta de pagament preferida Veuràs que la teva targeta té la marca «Targeta preferida», però què significa això?
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The means of payment accepted will be: Credit or debit card.
Els mètodes de pagament seran: targeta de crèdit o targeta de dèbit.
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There are two types of metropolitan pink card: the free metropolitan pink card and the reduced-fare metropolitan pink card.
Hi ha dues modalitats de Targeta rosa metropolitana: la Targeta rosa metropolitana gratuïta i la Targeta rosa metropolitana de tarifa reduïda.
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If you block the card, we will automatically send a new card with the same contract as the previous one and the same PIN.
Si bloqueges la targeta, t’enviaran automàticament una nova targeta, amb el mateix contracte que la targeta anterior, mantenint el teu PIN.
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How are credit cards and debit cards different?
En què es diferencia una targeta de crèdit i una targeta de dèbit?
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• Credit / debit card.
• Targeta de crèdit / dèbit.
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Health Card – Medical Directory:
Targeta Sanitària – Quadre mèdic:
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