The timber was formerly used for coffins and is occasionally referred to as "coffinwood".
La fusta es feia servir antigament per fer taüt i ocasionalment s’anomena «fusta de taüt».
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The experience in the coffin was literally immersive.
L’experiència dins el taüt va ser literalment immersiva.
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The horse follows the caisson carrying the casket.
El cavall segueix el carro que porta el taüt.
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A coffin lid also survives from this century.
També s’ha conservat una tapa de taüt d’aquest segle.
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At this time the tradition of burying a coffin began.
En aquell moment, va començar la tradició d’enterrar un taüt.
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A carrier has a big coffin on his shoulders.
Un carregador porta sobre les seves espatlles un gran taüt.
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They come to blows, and the coffin lid is knocked shut with a crash.
Arriben a les mans, i la tapa del taüt cau amb estrèpit.
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The wood coffin can be seen by the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities of Cairo.
El taüt de fusta es pot veure al Museu d’Antiguitats Egípcies del Caire.
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His coffin was carried at the service by five West Indian captains.
El seu taüt el dugueren a missa cinc capitans de les Índies occidentals.
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An example at Sutton Veny included a bronze-age wooden coffin.
Un exemple a Sutton Veny inclou un taüt de fusta de l’edat del bronze.
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