temple n
[US]- sinagoga f
The temple transept is deep, the temple floor stands out. | El transsepte del temple és profund, destaca la planta del temple. |
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Highlights include the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Caesar, and the Senate House. | Destaquen el Temple de Vesta, el Temple de Cèsar i la Cambra del Senat. |
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Be amazed by some of the most famous Doric temples: the Temple of Hera, the Temple of Concord and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. | Deixa’t meravellar per alguns dels temples dòrics més famosos: el temple d’Hera, el temple de la Concòrdia i el temple de Zeus olímpic. |
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The temple designed by Gaudí | El temple ideat per Gaudí |
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At the foot of the temple is the choir, located above the entrance hall to the temple. | Als peus del temple hi ha el cor, situat damunt del vestíbul d’accés al temple. |
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Protestants have opened a new temple. | Els protestants han obert un temple nou. |
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It is popularly called ’Ram Temple’. | Es coneix popularment com ’temple de Rama’. |
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The temple complex houses many halls. | El complex del temple allotja moltes sales. |
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His temple name means "Esteemed Ancestor". | El nom del seu temple significa "Estimat ancestre". |
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The latter eventually marries Elizabeth Temple. | Finalment, aquest últim es va casar amb Elizabeth Temple. |
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The temple transept is deep, the temple floor stands out. | El transsepte del temple és profund, destaca la planta del temple. |
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Be amazed by some of the most famous Doric temples: the Temple of Hera, the Temple of Concord and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. | Deixa’t meravellar per alguns dels temples dòrics més famosos: el temple d’Hera, el temple de la Concòrdia i el temple de Zeus olímpic. |
Font: MaCoCu | |
Highlights include the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Caesar, and the Senate House. | Destaquen el Temple de Vesta, el Temple de Cèsar i la Cambra del Senat. |
Font: MaCoCu | |
At the foot of the temple is the choir, located above the entrance hall to the temple. | Als peus del temple hi ha el cor, situat damunt del vestíbul d’accés al temple. |
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No remains of the temple are kept. | No queden ruïnes del temple. |
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It resembles the Temple of the North. | S’assembla al Temple del Nord. |
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Welcome to the temple of Modernisme | Benvinguts al temple del modernisme |
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The temple designed by Gaudí | El temple ideat per Gaudí |
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Demolition of the Temple of Jerusalem | La demolició del Temple de Jerusalem |
Font: MaCoCu | |
Jesus was teaching every day in the Temple (…). | Cada dia ensenyava en el temple (...). |
Font: MaCoCu | |
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