In point of safety, ought we to be without a fleet?
Quant a la seguretat, ¿no hauríem de tenir una flota?
Font: riurau-editors
The object contended for, ought always to bear some just proportion to the expense.
L’objecte disputat ha de tenir sempre una certa proporció amb el cost.
Font: riurau-editors
We neither mean to set up nor to put down, neither to make nor to unmake, but to have nothing to do with them.
No pretenem ni establir ni enderrocar, ni donar ni llevar, sinó no tenir-hi res a veure.
Font: riurau-editors
Nevertheless the People refused to obey the voice of Samuel, and they said, Nay, but we will have a king over us, that we may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us, and go out before us and fight our battles.
Això no obstant, el poble refusà d’obeir la veu de Samuel i digueren: “No, no! Volem tenir un rei. Volem ser com les altres nacions i tenir un rei que ens administre justícia, que vaja al davant del nostre exèrcit i que vinga amb nosaltres a la guerra.”
Font: riurau-editors
There’s no question that some choice is better than none, but it doesn’t follow from that that more choice is better than some choice.
Sens dubte, tenir opcions és millor que no tenir-ne, però tenir moltes opcions no és millor que tenir-ne unes quantes.
Font: TedTalks
A healthy retina is necessary for good vision.
Per tenir bona visió, cal tenir una retina saludable.
Font: MaCoCu
A person can have ADHD but not learning disabilities or have learning disabilities without having ADHD.
Una persona pot tenir TDAH però no trastorns d’aprenentatge, o tenir un trastorn d’aprenentatge sense tenir TDAH.
Font: wikimedia
They can have many moving parts or no moving parts.
Poden tenir moltes parts mòbils o no tenir-ne cap.
Font: Covost2
To be lucky or not to be lucky, is that the question?
Tenir sort o no tenir-ne, és aquesta la qüestió?
Font: MaCoCu
I think that sets you apart, having medals and having the World record.
Crec que tenir medalles i tenir el rècord mundial et distingeix.
Font: Covost2
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