Anyone who dares to raise legitimate questions about is immediately tarred as a Putin puppet or a Russia stooge.
Qualsevol que s’atreveixi a plantejar qüestions legítimes és immediatament titllat de titella de Putin o de titella de Rússia.
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He was no revolutionary nor anyone’s puppet.
No era revolucionari ni el titella de ningú.
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It all begins with a puppet, which comes out of a suitcase.
Tot comença amb un titella que surt d’una maleta.
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A rod puppet can have a fixed facial expression.
Un titella de tija pot tenir una expressió facial fixa.
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You were a puppet before, and now it seems that he considers you better.
Abans eres un titella, i ara pareix que et considera millor.
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A man in glasses holding a cloth doll or puppet.
Un home amb ulleres sosté una nina de roba o titella.
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The actor becomes a kind of living stop motion puppet.
L’actor es converteix en una mena de titella stop-motion vivent.
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Outside of France, the word "marionette" only refers to string puppets.
Fora de França, la paraula «titella» només fa referència als titelles de fil.
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It was as if Carl realised that he was a puppet under someone else’s control.
Era com si Carl s’adonés que era un titella sota el control d’una altra persona.
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Medium-format show for one actor, one string-puppet and six masks. Nonverbal.
Espectacle de mitjà format per a un actor, un titella de fil i sis màscares.
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