For him, it is a torture.
Per a ell, és una tortura.
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Close all the torture prisons.
Tancar totes les presons de tortura.
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Entrance to the Museum of Torture
Entrada al Museu de la Tortura
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Enough of the torture of Julian Assange!
Basta de tortura a Julian Assange!
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In some cases torture was involved.
En alguns casos hi va haver tortura.
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After the torture he was tried.
Després de la tortura va ser jutjat.
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It would not survive the introduction of torture.
No sobreviuria a la introducció de la tortura.
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Water boarding is a terrible form of torture.
L’ofegament simulat és un tipus de tortura terrible.
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A similar method of torture is the Spanish boot.
Un mètode de tortura similar és la bota espanyola.
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Godard’s counter-terrorism methods included interrogation with torture.
Els mètodes antiterroristes de Godard incloïen l’interrogatori amb tortura.
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