Tram: Tram transport is developing in Barcelona.
Tramvia: El transport amb tramvia s’està desenvolupant a Barcelona.
Font: MaCoCu
Port de Sóller and Tram
Port de Sóller i Tramvia
Font: MaCoCu
The first service operated out of a streetcar.
El primer servei operat d’un tramvia.
Font: Covost2
Man sitting on an old fashion trolley.
Home assegut a un tramvia antic.
Font: Covost2
A red streetcar is on the street.
Un tramvia vermell és al carrer.
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Free access to the famous 28 tram ride
Accés gratuït al famós tramvia 28
Font: MaCoCu
Analysis of the energy consumption of the tram
Anàlisi del consum energètic del tramvia
Font: MaCoCu
Gaudí is run over by a tram.
Gaudí és atropellat per un tramvia.
Font: MaCoCu
It was founded to preserve the heritage of the trolley car.
Fundada per preservar el patrimoni del tramvia.
Font: Covost2
Yellow Trolley as it ’s making its rounds.
Tramvia groc mentre fa les seves rondes.
Font: Covost2
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