But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the Gospel of Christ.
No és que sigui realment un altre evangeli; són alguns que us pertorben i volen trastornar l’evangeli de Crist.
Font: MaCoCu
We must not upset this result today.
No hem de trastornar aquest resultat avui.
Font: Europarl
However, all that does not mean that we should overturn the balance of the Treaty.
No obstant això, no cal trastornar l’equilibri del Tractat.
Font: Europarl
I don’t see the point in letting you upset him again.
No veig motiu per a deixar-te trastornar-lo un altre cop.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
To avoid deliberately upsetting nature, we must draft effective climate policy.
Per a evitar trastornar deliberadament a la naturalesa hem d’elaborar una política climàtica eficaç.
Font: Europarl
Fact is, that empty house got on his nerves to such an extent, he nearly went off his head.
Aquella casa buida el va trastornar molt i quasi el va fer tornar boig.
Font: OpenSubtitiles
The picture, so the story goes, was won in a lottery at Frankfurt by a personage of high rank, who had been guilty of an undiscovered crime, and the contemplation of his prize drove him mad.[1]
Es diu que aquest quadre, que explicava la història, va ser guanyat en una loteria a Frankfurt per un personatge d’alt rang, que havia estat culpable d’un crim no descobert, i la contemplació del seu premi el va trastornar. [1]
Font: wikimedia
As to the time-frame laid down by Chancellor Schröder, it could disrupt the balance within Europe and is thus very worrying.
Quant al calendari imposat pel Canceller Schröder, el mateix pot trastornar els equilibris europeus i això és molt inquietant.
Font: Europarl
What is not part of ourselves doesn’t bother us.
Allò que no està en nosaltres mateixos no ens pot trastornar.
Font: NLLB
These people, crazed in their independence dreams, are capable of upsetting us all.
Aquesta gent, embogida en els seus somnis independentistes, és capaç de trastornar-nos tots.
Font: AINA
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