No nation ought to be without a debt.
Cap nació hauria de trobar-se sense deute.
Font: riurau-editors
It is somewhat difficult to find a proper name for the government of England.
És una mica difícil trobar un nom adequat per al govern d’Anglaterra.
Font: riurau-editors
We Will Have to Find a Place to Meet
Haurem de trobar un lloc on trobar-nos
Font: MaCoCu
If we can find comets without a telescope, shouldn’t we be able to find words?
Si podem trobar cometes sense telescopi, no hauríem de poder trobar paraules?
Font: TedTalks
When he tried to find work as a chemist, he only found obstacles.
Quan va intentar trobar treball com a químic, només va trobar obstacles.
Font: MaCoCu
In Dan I found that man, or he found me.
Amb Dan vaig trobar aquest home, o ell em va trobar a mi.
Font: MaCoCu
But remember that finding a bargain is not just finding something very cheap.
Però recorda que trobar una ganga no és només trobar una cosa molt barata.
Font: MaCoCu
Depending on what we want to find, we will need one mechanism or another to find it.
Depenent del que volem trobar necessitarem uns mecanismes o uns altres per trobar-ho.
Font: MaCoCu
Thus a sea mark can be and often is located on dry land.
Així es pot trobar i se sol trobar una marca del mar en terra seca.
Font: Covost2
It is very difficult to find.
És molt difícil de trobar.
Font: Covost2
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