It can be found in glucose syrup.
Es troba al xarop de glucosa.
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They can be preserved pickled in syrup.
Es poden conservar confitats en xarop.
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That’s some cough, are you drinking the syrup?
Quina tos, ja et prens el xarop?
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A child pours syrup on a spinning device
Un nen aboca xarop a un aparell que gira.
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From there a dense syrup is obtained which is then cooked.
D’allà s’obté un xarop dens que es cou posteriorment.
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Boil the sugar syrup and orange juice.
Bullir el xarop de sucre i el suc de taronja.
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The juice is concentrated via multiple-effect evaporation to make a syrup.
El suc es concentra per evaporació múltiple i s’obté un xarop.
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Then a sugar syrup is made which is known as "Paga".
Després es fa un xarop de sucre que es diu "paga".
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The syrup has a very sweet flavor and very dark appearance.
El xarop és de sabor molt dolç i aspecte molt fosc.
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It is a phosphorated carbohydrate solution, and comes in syrup form.
És una solució de carbohidrats fosforats i ve en forma de xarop.
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