"Peewit," said a peewit, very remote.
"Piu," va xiular la fredeluga, molt llunyana.
Font: Covost2
He had a pleasant way of whistling, lively and musical.
Tenia una manera molt agradable de xiular, animada i musical.
Font: Covost2
‘Anything you like,’ said the Footman, and began whistling.
‘Tot el que t’agrada’, va dir el lacai, i va començar a xiular.
Font: Covost2
The tendency of electric arcs to flicker and hiss was a major problem.
La tendència dels arcs elèctrics a parpellejar i xiular va ser un problema important.
Font: wikimedia
His method is startling: Can a score be whistled, or not?
Sorprèn el seu mètode: Es pot xiular o no es pot xiular una partitura?
Font: NLLB
The crow started whistling and inspired his elephant friend to whistle too ...
El corb va començar a xiular i va inspirar el seu amic elefant a xiular també ...
Font: AINA
No one can whistle a symphony.
Ningú no pot xiular una simfonia.
Font: HPLT
No one person can whistle a symphony.
Cap persona pot xiular una simfonia.
Font: NLLB
It is the referee who has to whistle.
És l’àrbitre qui ha de xiular.
Font: AINA
What are the benefits of whistling?
Quins són els beneficis de xiular?
Font: AINA
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